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MTC Acquisition – Announcement

Quala and Boasso Global announce the successful completion of the acquisition of Mainport Tankcleaning B.V. and Mainport Tank Container Services Moerdijk B.V. (collectively referred to as "MTC") from Matrans Group B.V., headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Established in 1990, MTC has earned a well-deserved reputation for its exceptional services, offering superior tank container solutions within the ISO tank container industry.

MTC’s key leadership team will be staying on board, led by Eric van Halewijn (Managing Director, MTC). Antony Leighton (SVP, European Operations, Boasso Global) and the integration team led by Robin Wijnstekers (Director, European Operations, Boasso Global), will work to integrate MTC into the Boasso.

August 2, 2023


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