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Tank Container Magazine review of the year 2014

Editor Leslie McCune reflects on a year of growth, consolidation and intensified competition in the tank container sector
There was much for the tank container industry to be satisfied with in 2014. Yes, growth could have been better, margins could have been stronger and competition could have been less intense. But there was particularly strong growth in certain regions of the world and for certain types of tank containers, the margins for many established tank container operators and lessors were acceptable enough to justify reinvestment in assets and no one tank container operator or tank container leasing company offered all the solutions for every customer. Most importantly, the tank container industry’s safety record
remained excellent compared with its own historically high standards and those of the competing modes of moving liquid hazardous and non-hazardous liquids, foodstuffs and gases. The most directly
competing modes against tank containers were drums, IBCs flexitanks, road silo or barrel tankers and chemical parcel tankers. At the macro level, demand growth for tank containers is driven by gross domestic product (GDP) and the substitution activity between tank containers and other small lot size alternatives, principally drums and chemical parcel tankers (the competitive.............
June 16, 2015


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