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Running a temperature

Dutch telematics specialist IMT has developed a new temperature gaug with Hoyer, reports Wendy Pascoe
As the cargoes carried by tank containers become more complex, the importance of ensuring they are being moved in optimum conditions becomes ever more critical. A few degrees shift in temperature can, for example, turn pure MDI from a liquid to a ‘frozen’ non-liquid. A digital thermometer is coming onto the market which, say the developers, contains a gauge which never needs to be recalibrated, has a ten-year battery life and logs, records and keeps all content temperatures for more than three years. The information can be accessed from an online portal. Tailor-made Intermodal Telematics (IMT), based in Breda in the Netherlands, situated strategically between the great ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, develops and produces hardware and software for the online monitoring of tank containers and railway wagons. It developed the thermometer in association with tank container operator, Hoyer. Dethmer Drenth, IMT’s Technical Manager, claims: “It is important for many cargoes that temperatures are held at certain levels. For example, containers being transported between Northern Europe and Turkey are going to experience very different ambient temperatures. “If the tank container operators are aware of the content temperature changes, they can.............

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October 21, 2015


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